Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Honda Accord Sedan Lx

Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2011 Honda Accord LX Sedan
  • 2011 Honda Accord LX Sedan

  • Roy
    Oct 6, 07:16 PM
    2.66GHz (or 3GHz? maybe?) Cloverton Mac Pro for me... :D Hopefully they have a better graphics card offering than the current choices too.

    And what would be your choice of graphic cards, considering that money doesn't grow on trees and price would be a factor?:)

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 1987 Honda Accord Sedan LX
  • 1987 Honda Accord Sedan LX

  • awmazz
    Mar 12, 04:16 AM
    Why is this Chernobyl?

    What are the similarities?

    What are the differences?

    What's your background?

    Do you understand why Chernobyl is uninhabitable for several hundred years, while Hiroshima and Nagasaki are thriving, gorgeous cities?

    Did you freak out at the "1000x" radiation levels too, like the rest of the western media did who didn't have the remotest clue that it was still magnitudes below the hazardous level? You certainly buy into the "Huge Explosion!!!" headlines, as evidenced by your post, so it's hard to take anything you say seriously.

    It's a serious situation, but you are panicking a little too much, with next to zero information.

    And inversely, you're way too calm with zero information. Or too trusting. I'll tell you exactly what the similarity is with Chernobyl. Being told by 'experts' that it's safe, nothing to worry about.

    History says I'll turn out to be right and you wrong.

    So if I'm a fool by buying into the 'huge explosion' headline and footage, what are you? Denying there was any explosion at all? This goes back to my first point, I see a huge explosion at a nuclear power plant with my own eyes on my TV screen and the steel skeleton of the girders all that's remaining of the building, and yet here you are an 'expert' claiming there's no problem because I have zero information? WTF?

    Hey, I've been hanging out on the forum for the iPad. But frankly i'm a little confused right now about what i just saw. From appearances (I mean appearances), the nuke plant in Japan BLEW UP, and they are lying about it if they say it's a minor issue. I don't want to believe this . You can see it with your own eyes, but i'm not sure exactly what i'm seeing. Certainly it isn't a small explosion.

    Until I know what's really happening I'm officially, totally, freaked out......Any takers? :D

    Building #4 is apparently totally destroyed by the looks of it, just the skeletal steel structure left standing. Some reports are saying it was just some hydrogen tanks which exploded. The question then is why did any hydrogen tanks explode at all? Because they were depressed and suicidal? Or because some really bad sh** going down in a freaking nuclear power plant made them explode? But according to puma1552 it's nothing to worry about and don't believe your lying eyes because you don't know what rad levels are.. ;)

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2011 Honda Accord Sedan LX
  • 2011 Honda Accord Sedan LX

  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 09:32 AM
    These teens are just people who are hurting because of the terrible actions others place on them. That empathy needs to be universal...regardless of your opinion on sexuality.

    For all you young guys and gals hurting out there, stay strong because you have so many wonderful things ahead of you. It will get better, there are so many people just like you...and you're loved. God Bless, I cant wait to see what you all accomplish:)

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2008 Honda Accord LX Sedan
  • 2008 Honda Accord LX Sedan

  • greenstork
    Sep 12, 06:33 PM
    Actually as a media advertising agency owner I can tell you that you've got it backwards. Cable and Satellite are all planning to go to a totally on-demand solution much like iTunes. Commercials and advertising will evolve, through viral marketing and embedded content, as it always has. The days of linear programming cut up with ads are nearing their end.

    I can see where you're coming from regarding linear programming. However, commercials aren't going away and any effort to subvert advertising will be met with strong resistance from the content providers.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2010 Honda Accord Sedan LX
  • 2010 Honda Accord Sedan LX

  • Mord
    Jul 13, 10:36 AM
    every vendor, dell, HP, gateway ect offer workstations with single xeons, it's a very common practice because it makes business sense.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2010
  • Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2010

  • c.hilding
    Oct 26, 08:55 PM
    Noone has mentioned the FSB concerns yet, which is weird.

    The earliest discussions about the new 8-cores (2x 4-core chipsets) suggested that 1333MHz was way too little to supply 8 cores with constant data flow, and that it would prevent the CPUs from reaching their full potential, making the FSB the bottleneck.

    Newer reports, including quotes by Intel employees, suggest that each 4-core chip is not going to reach more than a maximum of 1600MHz FSB, and that 1333MHz FSB will be the practical operating rate. However, since as far as I can tell, that rate is for just for ONE 4-core chipset, and Apple is going to cram TWO into the Mac Pro, this could spell disaster.

    So Apple really need to figure out the right FSB rate. I wonder what will unfold. I'd hate to see them use an underpowered FSB. :eek:


    Happy Halloween!

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. Honda Accord Sedan Lx. Honda
  • Honda Accord Sedan Lx. Honda

  • spicyapple
    Sep 20, 12:31 AM
    Woohoo a hard drive! :D

    I wasn't planning on buying CenterStage, but the DVR functionality(?) would make it very appealing.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2008 Honda Accord EX-L V6
  • 2008 Honda Accord EX-L V6

  • sigamy
    Jul 12, 01:58 PM
    man, my head is spinning...Yonah, Mermon, Woodcrest, Core Duo 2 (isn't that redundant?)

    Don't you just long for the good old days when we'd get one G4 processor for 18 months? ;)

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2011 Honda Accord Sedan Lx.
  • 2011 Honda Accord Sedan Lx.

  • j763
    Oct 10, 01:54 AM
    Originally posted by TheT
    I think Mac users just live in their happy little world and think their computers are still the fastest... well, wake up!

    couldn't agree more. you use macs for software not for the absolute $#!+ apple has under-the-hood. i was at this MUG meeting the other day and the question was raised as to whether a mac was the fastest thing out there for graphics. i laughed at the suggestion and said "No way". this guy next to me, who was obviously a mac bigot (not necessarily a bad thing) said "You're wrong. They are the fastest thing out there. The Velocity Engine makes the powermac g4 the fastest machine out there for graphics. Blah blah blah blah blah......". I just turned to him and said "SGI Workstations". that was the end of the conversation (he didn't know what an sgi workstation was).

    all that said, i've got a dual 1.25 and it's an excellent machine... but you just have to realise that no, it's not the fastest thing out there.

    BUT... i'd like to raise this important point. wtf are the win32 users using their CPU power for? Typing up word documents really fast? browsing the web with Internet Exporer v6.000.21312.185726351;SP1? or perhaps having to wait only 10 seconds for windows media player to launch? win32 is simply a craptacular operating system to the extent where it shouldn't be recognized (and i certainly don't recognize it) as a real operating system. mac and *nix (excl. linux-on-the-desktop) is where it's at. get over it.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 1998 Honda Accord Sedan Lx.
  • 1998 Honda Accord Sedan Lx.

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 22, 09:32 PM
    Hmm, I might argue that what happens in your head may have personal value, in fact it may change your life, but it really has no bearing on the reality of our existence, just what we imagine it to be, and has no real right to be called "proof". It's jut faith if you see the distinction I'm trying to make.

    It would still provide evidence for the individual concerned, right? It may have no bearing on the reality of our existence, but our existence doesn't matter. It's their existence that matters. Faith, true faith, involves a lot of introspection.

    There's concrete reality and abstract reality, the world of the Forms if you like. It's in abstract reality that physical principles are proven, yet we couldn't see or feel them otherwise in the concrete world.

    Thus, if the person has an epiphany, and then reflects on what just occurred logically, it could still be called proof.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2006 Honda Accord Sedan Lx.
  • 2006 Honda Accord Sedan Lx.

  • DemSpursBro
    Apr 10, 07:00 PM
    I'm not sure sure what you mean when you say "for the things it is good at." What do you mean? What things?

    The only real advantage, aside from aesthetics, macs have over PC is more user friendly video/music editing. Speaking from experience here,
    you can do the same on a PC, but it's slightly more difficult.

    Unless you're buying some old/bad brand, a PC will normally give you greater hardware capabilities and you can always dual boot or just only use the Mac OS.

    I would like to show this picture that I threw together a couple of months ago.

    http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/4838/macnotworthit.jpg (http://img831.imageshack.us/i/macnotworthit.jpg/)

    Of course, it's speaking about games, but that also doubles as video/music editing capability.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2011 Honda Accord Sedan comes
  • 2011 Honda Accord Sedan comes

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 24, 04:38 PM
    In three years they will have something much better, might as well wait!:p

    Yeah, I'm not buying until the 32" 4K resolution monitors hit $1599. :rolleyes:

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 1994 Honda Accord Sedan.
  • 1994 Honda Accord Sedan.

  • Zwopple
    Oct 7, 03:53 PM
    Ridiculous? The majority of people with developer/programming skills are more familiar with Windows or Linux than Mac OS. The need of first buying a Mac and then learning how to use it, the SDK and Objective-C will stop too many great developers from giving it a try. I suppose Apple could solve this by allowing Mac OS to run on a virtual machine, e.g. VirtualBox, including the SDK. But they don't.

    And the same can be said vice versa. Anyone that wants to program for Windows will need to use .Net and a Windows Box. What is this "because I'm a PC I will complain I can't dev for iPhone" crap?

    I'm not starting a PC vs MAC war I'm just stating that it's fairly obvious that 99% of the time you will have to be developing on the operating system that you're developing for. iPhone OS is a limited version of Mac OS X and it's really no surprise it requires you to use XCode which is Mac Only.

    Oh and you CAN dev iPhone apps on windows. If you really REALLY want to you can set up all the compiler settings and command line tools to do it. It's just not worth the time.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2007 Honda Accord LX Sedan Car
  • 2007 Honda Accord LX Sedan Car

  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 10:46 PM
    Not all organic foods are actually organic.
    Care to enlighten us?

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 2011 Honda Accord Sedan LX -
  • 2011 Honda Accord Sedan LX -

  • takao
    Mar 15, 05:39 PM
    i can't find a good source for timed updates.
    all things seem to go together and i can't really tell what's new and what's not.

    one thing seemingly emerging as really problematic is the spent fuel pools.
    I can't understand how it is possible that the design puts it in the worst possible place (in terms of management during a crisis) and without ANY containment protection.
    it's crazy.

    puma, can explain the rationale?

    afaik it's more designed as a holding pool for fuel rods to be put in and those just recently taken out

    the problem seems to be that reactor 4 has been shut off for maintance works, thus many of the normal fuel rods seem to have been taken out of the reactor and put into the basin ... but that is only as far as i heard

    information flow has been rather limited because there was night in japan so i suspect the next hours we will get more informations/press releases again

    edit: tepco is reporting readings of 300-400 mSv in the broken structure of reactor 4 which makes it difficult to control the fire and restore the water level in the pool

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. Photos Honda Accord Sedan LX
  • Photos Honda Accord Sedan LX

  • leekohler
    Mar 26, 01:38 AM
    Love conquers all until it hits a rough patch

    au revoir

    No- according to you, love conquers all until it includes people you don't like. That's not love, it's control.

    Jesus never did that to anyone, did he? Nope. Jesus loved everyone no matter what. You are as far from Jesus as you could be. Jesus was nice to whores, even when they continued to be whores. Could you do that?

    Your attitude is what turned me off to religion years ago. Jesus was a seriously great person. His fans, suck- nastiest people I've ever met. You don't even know what Jesus was about. Jesus was about unconditional love. Jesus basically said he loved everyone no matter what. That is a beautiful message. Now, it would be nice if the people he talked to would live it, and stop being such jerks.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. Honda Accord LX-P Sedan 2008
  • Honda Accord LX-P Sedan 2008

  • citizenzen
    Apr 23, 10:45 PM
    If even 0.0000001% of an incredibly lowball estimate as to the number of current Christians in the world (not to mention past Christians or other theistic religions) have legitimately experienced a supernatural event - pick one, doesn't matter which or how large or small it is - this is an incorrect statement.

    In another forum that I left recently (because of the poor quality of discussion) someone used this same type of argument to "prove" the existence of aliens visiting the Earth.

    Of course it is a logical fallacy, this is why there is an element of faith required to fully claim an atheistic belief.

    I'm sorry, but that sentence makes no sense at all.

    I should mention this is not necessarily totally different than a Biblical definition of faith ...

    I prefer dictionaries for my definitions.

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. 1989 Honda Accord Sedan LX
  • 1989 Honda Accord Sedan LX

  • jeff1977
    Apr 9, 12:14 AM
    Apple doesn't care what you plug into the 30 pin adapter. Go here (http://www.itechnews.net/tag/iphone-controller/) to see all kinds of button-rich controllers for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Some plug into the connector and some operate the game over wifi, and one allows both methods. Before commenting, let Google be your friend. :)

    By all kinds did you mean 'all three'? That's all there is on your link. Before exaggerating, let being realistic be your friend. :)

    Honda Accord Sedan Lx. Honda Accord LX-P Sedan
  • Honda Accord LX-P Sedan

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 25, 01:17 AM
    AV/multimedia, how far do you sit from your screen?

    I sit about 35 to 40" from my 30" display. Seems to be about the ideal distance. I keep the height adjusted so my eyes looking straight ahead are about 1/4 of the way down from the top of the screen. My primary display is centered straight ahead and the secondary display is on my left on an angle. Works very well. Took some getting used to as I've always had my secondary monitor on the right, but with the room layout, it worked better on the left at my new place. Ah, it's late, but I'll post a picture tomorrow tomorrow night so you can get a feel for what we're talking about. These Dell 30-inchers are just plain cool.

    Other than that, I second everything Multimedia said... Although, I already bought my second Dell 30" when it broke the $1400 mark. it's just too cool having 2 of these side by side. It's almost surreal having this kind of desktop real estate. Just be aware that with the G5 Macs, you need an FX4000 of FX4500 video card to use two of these. With the Mac Pro, the FX4500 again, or the ATI X1900xt will run dual 30" displays as well and is a bargain at $240 upgrade when ordering.

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 25, 03:49 PM
    A small minority of Catholics may support your views, but they would hardly be considered mainstream.

    I agree.

    Speaking as one who was raised Catholic (the vast majority of my extended family are Catholics), I have observed that while Catholics are essentially socially conservative, they are in most cases less conservative than the Pope would have you believe, as your linked study indicates. Most Catholics support artificial contraception, many support same-sex marriage and abortion. As a group they are definitely less conservative than fundamentalist/born-again Christian sects, though they certainly have their hard-line elements, especially in developing countries.

    May 3, 06:34 AM
    uninstall Macdefender instructions here http://t.co/9DLsgSU

    Apr 5, 10:44 PM
    forgot to add that the "+" (maximize) button is wildly inconsistent in its function.

    maximizing to full screen in general isn't the way OS X "works", which is why most programs don't do that...but it seems Apple never really decided what the maximize button is supposed to do.

    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    that's what the dock is for... you put your most common applications in the dock, everything else is in the Applications folder, accessible from the dock.

    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    cmd + delete

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    cmd + up

    4. Not having an actual uninstall program procedure kind of makes me paranoid.

    all necessary files are contained in the application package, any files that go somewhere else are just saves or preferences. the exception is for certain programs, like Adobe ones, where the developer is too lazy to rewrite their code so that all the necessary components are in one place.

    Apr 15, 10:46 AM
    Exactly! I agree with you. I am a womanizer and I hate it when a church tells me I can't sleep with a different woman every night! I do plan on switching to polygamy and I hope the government gives me all the rights associated with my switch! Do you think Apple's womanizing employees will put out a video that it will be easier for me?

    I have read this a few times now and I still do not get your point.

    Being gay = being promiscuous?

    Or is it just a very poor attempt at sarcasm?

    Bad, bad taste�

    Mar 13, 11:50 AM
    Japans main problem, at this time, seems to be that someone thought it was a good idea to build the plants on the Pacific Rim

    Japan doesn't really have a choice BUT to build plants on the Pacific Rim, since that's where the country is located.

    That, the lack of domestic oil and gas (90% of oil used in electric power is from the Middle East), plus a small highly populated country (rules out big hydropower) and they haven't got many options left. Linky (http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/data/en/data/pdf/433.pdf).

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